Saturday 18 October 2014

Shia's Imam Mahdi

Similarities between Shia's Imam Mahdi, the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) & Jewish Messiah

A. Shia's Imam Mahdi vs. Sunni's Al-Mahdi
Both Sunni Muslims and Shia are awaiting a person whose is referred to as Al-Mahdi (Shia call him Imam Mahdi because they are expecting him to be their 12th Imam).  However, both the identity and characteristics of the Mahdi of the Sunnis are significantly different from the identity and characteristics of Shia's Imam Mahdi.
For Sunni Muslims, the Mahdi is just a Muslim leader who will act as a Caliph, ruling the Muslim World. He is not a prophet. For Sunnis, the Mahdi must be a descendant of Prophet Mohammad. Sunni Muslims' Al-Mahdi has to be a good man. In contrast, Shia's Imam Mahdi, as portrayed in Shia's books, seems to be an evil man whom the Shia expect will persecute Sunni Muslims, resurrect and crucify Prophet Mohammad's صلى الله عليه وسلم  Companions, Abu Bakr and Omar as well as Prophet Mohammad's صلى الله عليه وسلم  wife, Aisha.
Shia's Imam Mahdi is their 12th Imam. Shia claim that Imam Mahdi  is Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Askari who disappeared as a young boy at the age of 5 and went into hiding (or state of occultation) and has been hiding for 10 centuries. Some Shia say he is hiding in a tunnel. The Shia are awaiting for him to emerge from his state of occultation in the End Times. By the way, there is no proof, even in Shia's books, that his father, Hasan Al-Askari, had a son, named Mohammad.
According to Shia's books, the Shia's Imam Mahdi will be someone who rules based on the Laws of David. He will rely on scriptures, other than the Quran. So, Shia's Mahdi fits the characteristics of the Dajjal/False Masiach.
Shia's Imam Mahdi is not a normal human being since they are claiming that he has been alive for 1200 years. Sunnis reject this because there is no Hadith that says the Mahdi will not be a normal human being. In contrast, Shia's Imam Mahdi resembles the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) in many ways.
All this evidence leads us to believe that the evil founders of Shiism, mostly Jews who pretended to convert to Islam outwardly while remaining Jews in their hearts, have purposefully portrayed, in their books, Imam Mahdi as someone similar in many ways to the last False Mashiach (Messiah) of the Children of Israel, son of David, in order to:

   (a) motivate the Shia to reject the real Mahdi when he appears because he is a Sunni Muslim and does not fit into their expectations, and

   (b) deceive the Shia into following the False Messiah of the Children of Israel, thinking that he is the Mahdi.

Shia's Imam Mahdi is a fictitious, imaginary character. He never existed as a child. He does not exist now, contrary to what they believe. Therefore, most likely, there will never be any person appearing in the future who will fulfill all the characteristics and signs of Shia's Imam Mahdi.
Based on our numerical analysis of the Quran, Hadith, and Arabic Words for our End Times book, we believe that a Dajjal or evil person will appear in the beginning of the End Times. This will trigger the emergence of the Sunni's Mahdi. In 2022, near the end of the phase of the End Times, the last Dajjal will appear. This will trigger the descent of Prophet Jesus Christ from Heaven.
Some of the Jews are expecting two Messiahs for them in the End Times. They refer to first Messiah as Son of Joseph and the second Messiah as Son of David.
Christians are expecting 2 Witnesses in the End Times. They tend to expect one of the witnesses will be Elijah.
The first Dajjal Messiah, in the End Times, will probably falsely claim to be Son of Joseph of the Jews and Elijah of the Christians. He may claim to also be paving the way for Shia's Mahdi, if no Shia person emerges. However, it is more likely that a Shia person (such as President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejjad) will emerge and claim to be paving the way for the Mahdi. The Shia have many narrations about individuals whom they expect to appear and pave the way for Shia's Mahdi.  Most likely, there will NOT be anyone in the beginning of the End Times who will claim to be Shia's Imam Mahdi, but only claim to be paving the way for Shia's Imam Mahdi.
The last Dajjal may also claim to be Shia's Imam Mahdi.
The Sunnis' Mahdi, who is the real Mahdi for all Muslims, will only identify himself as a Muslim, not a Sunni and not a Shia. Many of the Shia will hopefully accept the Sunnis' Mahdi. However, it is possible that some of the wicked individuals among Shia may practice Taqiya and accept Sunnis' Mahdi only outwardly temporarily, while rejecting him in their hearts. When the last Dajjal (Anti-Christ) appears, the wicked Shia may follow of the Dajjal.
For more information and details:

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