The Jewish Khamsa/Hamsa in Rafidite Shi’ite culture
Popular and of RELIGIOUS importance among all polytheist sects and ignorant Muslims.
- Levantine Mushrik (mostly Lebanese) Christians call it the “hand of Mary”, for the mother of Jesus
- Mushrik Jews name it hamsa, but renamed it the hand of Miriam (Mary)
- In North-Africa, though being a Sunni Muslim area, nevertheless the Maghrebwas once ruled by FATIMID-RAFIDITE HERETIC, who introduced all sorts of superstition into society, including the JEWISH “Khamsa/Hamsa” (though being known in the Maghreb as the “Hand of Fatima”. That is why one can find it among the Ignorant masses of north Africa. Hence it is a RAFIDITE leftover i.e. has no basis in the creed of the Ahl Al-Sunnah of the Maghreb people).
- The Rafidi (twelver Shia) sect has it’s own interpretation of this PAGAN, WATHANI (polytheistic) symbol. They take it as a symbol for the chopped hands of Abal-Fadhl Al-Abbas (rahimahullah) the half-brother of Al-Hussein whose hands had been cut off at the battle of Karbala. This pagan-Jewish symbol can be found in SHI’ITE religious centres, festivals etc. all over the world:
“Ayatollah” Al-Khoie centre in New York/Brooklyn proudly declaring their Saba’ite origin:
In some Jewish communities the “Hamsa/Khamsa” is still be painted over the door, for the sake of protection:
And since Shi’ism is of Jewish origin, there is no wonder that this Jewish symbol is an ESSENTIAL RELIGIOUS symbol of Shi’ism, to such an extent that the following unbelievable news, is sadly true:
“The chopped off hands of Abal-Fadhl Al-Abbas” (i.e. the Jewish Hamsa pagan symbol) are suppose to protect the new Iraqi (American Shia backed regime) of t Aeroplanes [Arabic news source] !
All the Mushriks and Esoterics have gathered here to share their love for the HAND with the ONE EYE in the middle:
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