Yesterday, I briefly explained the nature of race, and the reality that the races developed in different natural environments, and that this caused not only the visible physical differences between us, but much more importantly, caused variant psychological make-ups to develop, which causes us to have differing drives, desires and value systems. Now I would like to look at the Jew specifically. Just as the Black is a fierce warrior, having originated in the savage land of Africa, the Yellow is a diligent worker having originated in the highly organized agrarian East Asia, and the White is a contemplative creator, having originated in a frozen land which required innovation for survival, the Jew is a bloodsucking parasite. We don’t really understand his origins, but as long as history has been aware of him, he has attached himself to the societies of others and exploited his hosts for the profit of his tribe.
The Jew is not the only race which has developed as a parasite. The gypsy, probably a genetic cousin of the Jew, has also functioned in this manner, and in Southeast Asia, there is a race of “sea gypsies” called the Badjao, which allegedly used to fish for a living, and now do nothing but beg on the streets. However, begging and scamming are not the methods of the Jew, who is much more deviously intelligent than the gypsy. The Jew, in order to exploit the people it lives amongst, aspires to infiltrate and subvert the entire society, involving itself in all aspects of the social order, from high finance, to business, to culture creation. In this way he not only drinks the blood of his host population, but shapes the entire society to meet his own standards of what is comfortable.
It is important to note the reasons why I believe the Jewish Question needs to be viewed in biological, genetic terms. I do not believe that the Jew consciously understands why he does what he does. Most Jews probably don’t even consciously understand what they are doing, but the intellectual Jews, which do understand that they are purposeful in their subversion and exploitation of gentile societies, almost certainly do not consciously understand why. The UCLB professor, Kevin MacDonald, has explained exploitative Jewish behavior in terms of an evolutionary strategy, and thus an internal biological drive; because they are not adapted to work or to create, they instinctively exploit a host population, and because they play this role of exploiter, they must continually subvert and weaken the society so as to prevent blow-back. Given this, I do not view moralizing arguments as particularly relevant or helpful. The Jew is only as “evil” as any other predatory animal.
That isn’t to say that metaphorically speaking of the Jew as “satanic,” is necessarily counterproductive, but we should keep in mind that snakes and predatory animals, as well as disease, have often been couched in the metaphor of otherworldly evil.
Infiltration and Subversion of Organizations of Power
The key to Jewish control is their collective solidarity. They function in the same way as all tribes used to function – even when they have disagreements amongst themselves, they support one another over any member of another race no matter what. This is the means by which they infiltrate. When a Jew is the head of an organization, a land owner, a film producer or a money lender, he presents himself to be working purely for his own interests. In reality, whether or not his own personal interests enter into the equation at all is debatable, as most Jews with money tend to live like they are poor anyway, meaning that the purpose of having money is purely one of power, and the power of any individual Jew is always simply a component of the collective power of their race.
Jews will enter each and every type of organization which wields power in a society – from mainstream political parties to minority rights organizations, from multinational corporations to local city councils, they begin to work their way to the top of the organization, with the aid of their kinsmen, and when they reach the top they appoint other Jews or “Goyim” who they know will not question their agenda.
As they must inevitably work directly with members of their host societies, one of their key strategies in ensuring that these non-Jewish individuals go along with their agenda is to prey on human weaknesses. I am of the belief that probably 95% or more of the members of the US congress and other high level government officials have been tricked into some type of sex scandal by the Jews, which they are then able to use as leverage against them.
Cultural Molding
As John Friend explained in his essay Organized Jewry: destroyers of Western Civilization, the Jew subverts our culture and replaces it with their own both as a strategy to weaken us as a people and make us more susceptible to exploitation and also because the have a desire to create a culture in which they themselves feel more comfortable. This can be compared to the way a virus attacks a cell and alters its DNA structure for the dual purpose of strengthening itself while also weakening the host body and thus making it more habitable. The Jews have created a situation where the average black or white man in America is both miserable and weak, while they sit comfortably, at home in a society filled with degradation and filth, holding all the power in society through their infiltration and subsequent control of basically every organization which exists.
The value system of the Jew is entirely different than our own, as is clearly evidenced in his barbaric and bizarre religion, as well as the media “entertainment” he produces. The present American media pushes only the values of the Jew, encouraging people to be selfish and materialistic, to disregard morality, to indulge in bizarre and unnatural sex acts, to deny the spiritual nature of man. Our traditional society is the opposite of this – we have always had brotherhood amongst ourselves, been compassionate and caring people with a very high moral standard, a sexually conservative people which exalts the traditional family as the core of our social order, a spiritual people with the highest regard for the divine nature of our existence.
The educational system, which is entirely controlled by the Jew, from the level of kindergarten to the university system, is one of the main contributors to this cultural destruction. When the Jew is able to grab the minds of the youth, he is able to shape their beliefs and value systems any way he wishes, and what is taught in the schools directly leads into the life of indoctrination we suffer under through the Jewish media apparatus. Children are taught that race does not exist (while also subtly or not so subtly led to believe that the white man is the devil), that “free sex,” homosexuality and other sexual practices unnatural to our race are the mark of a healthy individual; they are indoctrinated into multiculturalism, they are taught the nihilism of evolution and atheism. The Universities are almost all now towing a frighteningly hard Marxist line.
Here again is the concept of preying on human weakness. They prey on the natural weakness we have for sexual stimulation, using it to destroy our traditional value system, they prey on our desire for social cohesiveness by presenting a skewed view of of the social order, they prey on the vulnerability of the undeveloped minds of the youth, exploiting their natural compassion by telling them fables about this supposed Holocaust, blaming the white man for the Jewish program of black slavery, distorting the realities surrounding the colonization of North America, all with the goal of making them weak and malleable.
Non-Jewish Collective Solidarity Destroyed
As I have mentioned, the Jew functions in a purely tribal, collectivist manner. This is of course the natural state of man, given that we developed from tribal societies. As is the case with most other mammals, this is a survival mechanism hardwired into us. It is from collective solidarity that all strength of a people originates, and thus it is the prime goal of the Jews to ensure that they retain this, while we lose it.
There are several ways that this is done. One is the promotion of “individualism,” a concept as utterly foreign to human beings as it is to packs of wild dogs. This causes us to fight among ourselves, to compete rather than to cooperate, and the Jew takes over everything while we are distracted by this ridiculous illusion of separation. People are encouraged to have their own individualistic beliefs and values, to define themselves as separate from their brothers through their like or dislike of various conflicting political positions, to have cult-like identity associations with sub-cultures, rather than embracing a unified national culture.
The massive influx of immigrants into white nations is final nail in the coffin of white cohesiveness. They weakened us thoroughly with their brainwashing and social engineering, and now they are finishing us off by literally committing a genocide of our people by bringing hordes of savages into our land to destroy whatever remained of our racial solidarity.
What is the Jewish Agenda?
The methods of the Jew, as I have laid them out here, are, I believe, obvious to anyone willing to break their programming and look at them. The goals, however, are less than clear. We can look at what they did to the Soviet Union – they took over the largest nation on planet earth, filled with human and natural resources, and instead of making it productive, they simply made everyone poor and started murdering people. We see with Israel that even after having been given their own nation, they still cannot sustain themselves, and must draw support from white nations. German and American taxpayers have given these people hundreds of billions of dollars directly, and half the Jews on the planet live in the United States, where they exploit the country to the fullest possible effect.
I would assert that there are no actual goals, because this is an inborn genetic trait that these people have – they simply want to live off of the blood of others. If a plague, for which no cure was available, were to become uncontainable, it would spread across the face of the earth and infect every man, woman and child. This is what the Jew is doing.
We can talk forever about all of the horrible things the Jews have done and are doing to our people and the other peoples of the world, but this ultimately becomes a waste of time once we have a real understanding of what they are.
Anyone who knows about this wants to stop it. The goal at this point needs to be solidifying a cohesive and collectivist movement of nationalists in all white nations. We will take to the streets, and we will take back our lands through winning the hearts and minds of our people.
The time is now.
Rise, White Man, and take back what your ancestors gave you.